
sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-05-11 10:58:36

@sideKnocks (atxalais) has joined the channel

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-05-12 15:03:47

@Knocktype11 has joined the channel

2021-05-14 11:02:36

@Ƶ has joined the channel

dave davidson ([email protected])
2021-05-17 11:16:54

@dave davidson has joined the channel

Zylo Sol ([email protected])
2021-05-17 15:44:52

@Zylo Sol has joined the channel

Jimmy Simpson (Nimrodd) ([email protected])
2021-05-17 15:46:02

@Jimmy Simpson (Nimrodd) has joined the channel

2nd_astronaut ([email protected])
2021-05-18 18:07:34

@2nd_astronaut has joined the channel

George Fox ([email protected])
2021-06-04 14:39:14

@George Fox has joined the channel

Thanakorn Maleesut ([email protected])
2021-06-08 23:16:45

@Thanakorn Maleesut has joined the channel

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-06-10 20:20:50

Technically this is not Uni but it is Mitsubishi. Does anyone know the model/era of this one? It is not a vintage pentel but it has a classic look to it and is a double-knock.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-06-23 19:50:53

*Thread Reply:* I asked around a bit and it appears that it is a M5-53

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-06-10 20:30:03

That one I don’t know. We need Ray in here.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-06-10 21:36:09

This is true. I'll invite him again. I figured that @2nd_astronaut might also be someone who would have a clue on this one.

2nd_astronaut ([email protected])
2021-11-17 05:13:04

*Thread Reply:* I think I have the model, but I have no clue about number or so. Even worse, I don't know the relation Uni <-> Mitsubishi (thought Uni was a tradename of certain Mitsubishi stationary) ...

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:06:25

*Thread Reply:* Pretty sure this piece is from the pre-Uni era

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:06:54

*Thread Reply:* Mitsubishi → Uni ↓ BOXY

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:01:18

*Thread Reply:* Also Brain and Exceed!

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:02:49

*Thread Reply:* Good points! I think the Exceed lineup was basically a price grab; they used a lot of open source parts (like Schmidt mechanisms) and kind of lost some of their Mitsubishi flair

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:03:15

*Thread Reply:* Pilot did a little bit of this with their Elite lineup

2021-06-11 03:01:34

@ckjay has joined the channel

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-06-11 05:31:44

I spoke with Ray yesterday. He’ll be joining.

👍 Knocktype11
2021-06-13 05:36:59

@Ray has joined the channel

2021-12-13 11:40:55

@Heath has joined the channel

2021-12-18 06:12:12

@Dry has joined the channel

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-12-18 20:15:53

One of the best pencils in this package is a Mitsubishi. It is hard to tell from the picture but the printing is metallic blue and shifts in the light. I don't have any clue about the model number.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-12-18 20:58:19

That's gorgeous.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-12-18 20:58:39

I have a few Mitsubishis. My favorite is the Pecker.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-12-18 21:19:47

*Thread Reply:* I'm not going to talk about that. There is nothing safe to say in response.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-12-18 20:58:59

You can't have a side knock collection without a Pecker

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-12-18 21:20:13

There are more Mitsubishis coming. Some of the best ones have a real mid-century vibe.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-12-18 21:33:03

I like the Boxys. I have some somewhere.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-12-18 23:38:56

The Boxys are nice. There are some interesting designs where many things were tried and variations on those things were also tried. It is impressive that there were so many that featured fully or partially metal bodies. The internals: they were okay but lacking the innovation/variation of the bodies.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2021-12-19 12:55:39

Here's one of my Boxy pencils. (Yeah I'm breaking the mechanical pencil rule)

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2021-12-19 13:08:23

*Thread Reply:* This points out something with Mitsubishi/Uni/Boxy: really similar models are branded with each. Brain might be the same but I have not seen as many of those.

Ron Knapp ([email protected])
2021-12-29 20:08:45

@Ron Knapp has joined the channel

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2021-12-31 21:05:38

@Kelvin Pang (drifand) has joined the channel

2022-01-05 09:39:14

Not sure if anyone is interested or not, but there is a nice Mitsubishi Pecker on Mercari,

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-05 09:42:50

yea at least one Pecker is a requirement for a Quicker Clicker collection. I don't plan on purchasing anymore.....until I find a yellow one 🙂

2022-01-05 09:55:05

These Mitsubishi Yoko2’s are in my next shipment

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-05 09:59:10

nice. Where did you find them?

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-05 09:59:40


2022-01-05 09:59:59

Supposedly unused

2022-01-05 10:00:38

$8 before Buyee taxes

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-05 10:01:23

yeah. they are usually super cheap. Not a typical collector's item. Except for that weird side knock dude in Austin

😂 Ƶ
2022-01-05 10:02:09

I figured for that price, couldn’t hurt and I do like other examples of the side knock

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 14:43:11

@Pearsonified has joined the channel

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:06:22

It pains me to call this sub-forum Uni instead of Mitsubishi

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:08:12

*Thread Reply:* Cuz we named our Constantinople channel Istanbul

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:14:02

*Thread Reply:* lol

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:06:27

since Mitsubishi came first

2022-01-07 15:06:42

hmm, seems you have a point

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:06:52

It's really interesting to look at Mitsubishi/Uni offerings to see which pieces were used during which time frames

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:06:55

and with which branding

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:07:02

Lots of crossover between Uni and BOXY

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:07:20

some similar crossover between Mitsubishi and BOXY (and Mitsubishi and Uni, too, which you would expect)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:07:28

My drawer is sort of organized along those lines

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:08:19

bottom 3 sets (horizontally oriented) = MX-552, MX-1052 + Automatic Pencil 3 & 5 (which are re-branded Lions), and then double knocks

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:08:33

vertical row 1 (above the horizontal row) = Mitsubishi

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:08:39

vertical row 2 = BOXY

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:08:43

vertical row 3 = Uni

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:09:03

Each row contains some pencils that maybe don't belong there, but I grouped them according to tip style, cap style, clip style, etc

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:09:25

The Uni era is absolutely dominated by a very particular tip style

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:09:45

conical tip, 2-4mm lead sleeve, 2 spiral grooves, 1 deep cut groove to improve grip

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:10:26

And you can see Mitsubishi's evolution into this tip style if you look at vertical row 1 in my pic (

2022-01-07 15:10:34

I only have a few Uni’s

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:10:51

Check out the first 20 or so pencils on the left—they have a double graduated conical tip section that would later evolve into the Uni tip

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:11:18

I was surprised to discover the MX-552 and MX-1052 tip styles were pretty significant departures for Mitsubishi

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:11:42

and if I'm not mistaken, the first entry into that style was the Uni mehcanical pencil (3 specimens in vertical row 3, top leftmost corner)

2022-01-07 15:12:55

What do you do to keep track of all the details?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:13:26

They're all in my head right now

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:13:41

I'll have all this on my website and a Google Sheet by the end of the year

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 15:23:27

color window instead of lead hardness window? 🤯

2022-01-07 15:23:56

I was wondering if that was the same pencil!

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-07 17:38:51

has renamed the channel from "uni" to "mitsubishi"

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-07 17:39:43

Here is my Pecker. She's very photogenic.

I don't plan on collecting all of the variations but I will snag a yellow one if I come across one.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 20:47:58

Can't believe you just show your Pecker to a room of strangers

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 20:48:27

This particular model is GREAT, and I had no idea a yellow one existed

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 20:48:32

I've only seen red, black, and black + silver

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-07 20:48:44

And one of the Pecker models has a metal grip section

2022-01-08 09:05:54

I just noticed yours is squarish. Unlike this one:

2022-01-08 09:06:16

How long did they make those?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-08 09:14:40

The one you linked is a Pecker Deluxe; I know of at least 3 models: Pecker, Pecker Deluxe, and Pecker GX.

There are probably others, but I can't be sure because I've never seen a Mitsubishi catalog for MPs!

2022-01-08 09:15:27

That's hard to believe

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-08 09:15:46

Here are the 3 I know about

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-08 09:16:02

It's WILD that so few catalogs are available online. I mean, seriously—you can pick out damn near any industry you like, and you can find catalogs all the way back to antiquity.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-08 09:16:06

But MPs? Nothing.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-08 09:16:12

I purchased the top style recently

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-08 09:16:16

It's in this box I'm opening now

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-14 16:11:12

Can confirm the top style Pecker pictured above is fantastic

🎉 sideKnocks (atxalais)
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-14 16:11:20

(that's what she said?)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-16 10:07:00

Someone needs to scoop this up:

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-16 10:07:01

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-01-16 10:44:43

Rare one… I actually have the ballpoint and at one time I just thought it was the companion to the M-1052 pencils. And then one day I saw the proper MP with conical tip. Fully expect this to hit 5-6000

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-16 10:52:26

I got one for 3500 because the seller used a bad thumbnail image

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-16 10:52:32

you couldn't tell what it was unless you clicked through

❤️ Kelvin Pang (drifand)
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-18 09:44:56

Considering the high rarity, I was surprised this auction closed at such a low price (especially given recent activity, which has been as high as I've ever seen):

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-18 09:46:08

I had bid over 13,000¥ 😂

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-21 11:18:23

tfw no yellow double knock 😔

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-21 11:22:44

Welp, I knew this double knock came in black + silver and copper + silver (very rare!), but I didn't know it also came in silver + silver!

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-21 11:24:16

These are some of the very best double knocks ever produced. 10 of the black + silver version were recently sold on YAJ in an expensive lot, but I rarely see the other two.

A copper + silver version came up on YAJ in summer 2021 but was ended abruptly; it later appeared on Mercari but was ended abruptly there, too!

I've never seen the silver + silver version for sale 😳

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-01-22 01:55:41

*Thread Reply:* Never knew the model number but I chose the copper version over the black/silver when bidding on it several years ago…

👀 Pearsonified
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-24 09:01:52

*Thread Reply:* Wow, that is just beautiful. One of my very favorite pencils!

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-24 14:01:34

<eyes pop out>

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-24 14:02:37

*Thread Reply:* that case candy is awesome!

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-24 14:03:18

*Thread Reply:* Everything about this is perfect. Can't believe it didn't sell for 35,000¥ the last time it was posted

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-25 07:59:39

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-25 07:59:51

If anyone buys this I'd like one of the duplicates

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-25 08:51:13

Digging the ampersands on a few of these

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-26 09:45:49

The auction I linked above ended at 68,360¥ 😳

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-01-26 09:46:44

*Thread Reply:* Feel good about your purchase? 😀

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-01-26 09:58:55

*Thread Reply:* Hahahaha I had a sniper bid of 20,999¥

2022-01-26 23:37:33

@Kiwi-d has joined the channel

Clutch Situation ([email protected])
2022-01-30 07:34:57

@Clutch Situation has joined the channel

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:01:16

I overpaid, but I don't care; this is the only time I've seen these old double-knocks in the past year:

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:03:48

*Thread Reply:* Oh those are 🔥

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:06:32

*Thread Reply:* Tryna find a pic of this other set I got last summer

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:08:18

*Thread Reply:* As far as I know, Mitsubishi released:

• high-end executive double knocks • W-knock series (some of which came in skeleton) • BOXY double knocks (lower-end cheapies) • double knocks with matte metal grips • double knocks with fluted metal grips (seen above)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:10:50

*Thread Reply:* Here are the other ones I got last summer:

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:10:51

*Thread Reply:*

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:11:02

*Thread Reply:*

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:11:11

*Thread Reply:*

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:11:33

*Thread Reply:* If I could grip them, they would 100% be among my very favorites

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:11:45

*Thread Reply:* plastic and stainless steel >>> plating

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:12:17

*Thread Reply:* That yellow.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:22:57

*Thread Reply:* I feel like I am heavily biased toward red and yellow pencils, but blue seems to dominate the collection

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:23:55

*Thread Reply:* I believe blue is the most represented color in my collection

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:24:02

*Thread Reply:* Then red

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:24:08

*Thread Reply:* But my fav is yellow and green.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:25:54

*Thread Reply:* Kinda always dug the fact that 0.4 was green

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-04 11:26:10

*Thread Reply:* The PG4, in particular, is a gem with its green accent ring and black cap

Clutch Situation ([email protected])
2022-02-06 10:41:21

} Clutch Situation (
🙌 Pearsonified
👍 Kelvin Pang (drifand)
Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-02-06 23:02:49

*Thread Reply:* Good vid! Seems ‘military green’ has become a popular scheme not just for Pentel Smash, Calme etc.

That green/black KT Switch is the first one of this line that I actually want to own. Well… maybe the yellow/black as well :-)

2022-02-10 10:01:09

I worried that this new Kuru Toga Drive means I'm going to have to buy it. Don't really want to, but feel like maybe its a "must have" for any collection.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-10 10:26:54

How does Drive differ from basic, Advance, or Switch?

2022-02-10 16:43:41

*Thread Reply:* I've no idea... other than it seems to be the fancy version, the orenznero of kuru toga :)

2022-02-10 19:28:29

*Thread Reply:* I think it has an auto advance system as well as lead rotation.... that actually makes me feel less pressured to buy it 🙂

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-10 19:38:55

*Thread Reply:* I saw an Instagram post for the Dive today (of course)—echoing @Kiwi-d, it's Kuru Toga + auto advance + lead advance tuning

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-10 19:40:36

*Thread Reply:* Who is widely credited with the first auto advance pencil? I'd think it's between Pilot and Staedtler, but I haven't looked into it (as I don't particularly care for automatic mechanisms)

2022-02-10 22:45:42

*Thread Reply:* Kuru Toga + auto advance + lead advance tuning

That sounds like an Ohto pencil.

Another solution waiting for an actual problem.

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-02-10 22:17:29

Wondering if the cap will post… and, I do find auto feed models like a vanity project. In extended writing sessions, I find the act of clicking for lead an important part of relaxing my grip and avoiding cramps.

👍 Pearsonified
2022-02-10 22:42:40

*Thread Reply:* Yes, clicking away is important

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-16 08:49:02

Already seeing Kuru Toga DIVE specimens on Mercari 😂

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-16 08:50:41

They're selling for over ¥15,000, too!

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-02-16 18:29:14

I will take the 1777 yen version, thank you

😆 Heath
😂 sideKnocks (atxalais)
Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-02-16 19:02:34

ID: Does anyone know the model number or name for this one? It is only 119mm long. Thi grip is grooved.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-16 19:12:35

*Thread Reply:* The bigger question is what are you doing with a Mitsubishi in your presence?

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-02-16 22:05:49

*Thread Reply:* I have a few Mitsubishis. This one feels like an odd-ball which puts it squarely in the middle of my non-Pentel collecting interests.

The first two posts on this channel are pictures of some of mine.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:05:38

*Thread Reply:* Yes, that's an M5-55! It was available in black, wine red, and hunter green, and the clips are this bronze-y accent color. Very cool pencils!

👍 Knocktype11
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:25:17

*Thread Reply:* This actually brings up another oddity with Mitsubishi model numbers I'll be exploring this year:

Based on the pricing tags on many of my pencils, it LOOKS like Mitsubishi may have simply re-used model numbers over the years.

I had suspected this for a while, but recently, I received a Mitsubishi W-knock with a pricing tag I'd seen before: M5-57.

The problem?

Mitsubishi's executive models from that era came with similar—or sometimes identical—model numbers.

The attached image is of an M5-56, but Mitsubishi released 3 variants of this pencil with different model numbers depending on the joint between grip and barrel:

• Ring joint = MX-55 • No joint = MX-56 • Stepped joint = MX-57 If everything above is true, then my W-knock contains what must be considered a pricing-only sticker—giving no indication of the model—OR a "fake," as someone may have removed the price tag from an actual M5-57 at some point and placed it on the W-knock.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:27:44

*Thread Reply:* We do know this:


M = sharp, kinda like Pilot's H designation X = lead size (3, 4, 5, 7, 9)

First digit = Price? Or variant? Second digit = Price? Or variant?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:29:28

*Thread Reply:* If we look at a longer model number like the M4-1052, we gain more insight:

First digit indicates price; second digit indicates something about the variant.


M4-1052 = ¥1000 M4-552 = ¥500

In this case, I can only assume the 52 signals a drafting pencil

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:30:08

*Thread Reply:* I suspect the sticker on my W-knock is rogue

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 12:26:10

*Thread Reply:* Also looks like the M designation is for Mitsubishi; on Uni model numbers, M is replaced by UNI

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 12:26:25

*Thread Reply:* (Unsure why they wouldn't have simply used a U here instead)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 12:26:40

*Thread Reply:* Likewise, BOXY model numbers are prefixed with BX

2022-02-17 01:44:22

I'm glad I now have no interest in Kuru Toga Dive. 🙂

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-02-17 01:47:13

I'm going to wait for the hype to die down. There's a specialty stationery store called THINK in Singapore that has brought in plenty of premium lines… S30, Orenznero, Kerry 50th, etc. No doubt KT Dive will be here once production ramps up.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:46:36

Where is the Dive even being sold right now?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 08:48:15

My favorite thing about the Kuru Toga mechanism is turning it off

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:05:55

lololol Dive prices are already down in the ~¥8000 range

2022-02-17 10:16:52

Apparently limited to 5,000 pieces worldwide.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:21:25

I may be a curmudgeon, but I have a LOT more confidence in simple pencils than I do these overwrought, "hi mecha" pieces

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:22:18

*Thread Reply:* you should collect rotary pencils. I hear you love them. 🤗

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:22:49

*Thread Reply:* Wew lad, got a bag full of ones I hope I can dump in a big eBay lot one day

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:23:04

*Thread Reply:* The only rotaries in The Toolbox™ are 3 lovely Newmans, but I'll probably nuke those at some point, too

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:23:32

*Thread Reply:* 💣 💥

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:23:38

*Thread Reply:* I've actually reached a point whree I have to be judicious about what remains in The Toolbox™

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:23:51

*Thread Reply:* Like, should Pentel Smashes all be there? Or should I only have the base models

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:23:53

*Thread Reply:* Same for Kerrys

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:23:58

*Thread Reply:* Graph1000 LE

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:24:39

*Thread Reply:* sounds like you need this...

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:24:42

*Thread Reply:*

🤣 Heath
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:25:12

*Thread Reply:* Holy grail stuff right there

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:25:14

*Thread Reply:* #nofap

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-17 10:21:45

Give me a simple knock, a solid grip, and I'm good to go

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-02-17 16:43:22

*Thread Reply:* So double knocks are out but lead-holders are ideal?🤪

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-02-18 06:33:26

1988 Catalog… for way too much

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-18 09:15:12

*Thread Reply:* These listings really bother me. This stuff is critical information affecting collectors worldwide; as such, it should exist in the public domain.

I'm half tempted to buy these, open source them, and then leave terrible feedback for the sellers.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-25 07:11:13


Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-25 09:22:37

Dammit, it went for cheap!

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-25 09:22:51

I have stopped buying activities 😔

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-02-25 09:23:24

you're going to MPA meetings, arent ya?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-02-25 09:31:17

Oh yeah

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-08 12:23:10

*Thread Reply:* We knew it would happen but damn that was fast.

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-03-08 21:19:08

*Thread Reply:* Probably a fan edit… hue adjust in Photoshop

2022-03-12 18:19:03

*Thread Reply:* Fake or not, its gotta happen soon

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-12 18:42:13

*Thread Reply:* Yes it will.

I'll get a green or yellow one once they are as available as the common cold.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 14:51:20

I like this gal.

👀 Pearsonified
👍 Pearsonified
Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-03-22 14:56:58

*Thread Reply:* Sweet! It is an interesting choice to hyphenate Mitsubishi though.

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 14:59:25

*Thread Reply:* limited space. lol

2022-03-22 15:04:23

*Thread Reply:* They’ve done that on others too

2022-03-22 15:04:30

*Thread Reply:* Always thought it was odd

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-03-22 15:13:47

*Thread Reply:* Too bad they don't have a nice logo that they could fit in that space...

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-03-22 19:13:22

*Thread Reply:* Do we know what years these were produced?

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 19:15:12

*Thread Reply:* As far as I know they came out mid 70s before the pd345 but maybe right around the time of the pd1065

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 19:15:33

*Thread Reply:* It seems like it was the first true side knock

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 19:15:42

*Thread Reply:* But who knows

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-03-22 19:30:24

*Thread Reply:* It has a real late 60's - early 70's feel to it.

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 21:55:52

*Thread Reply:* Two hobbies in one shot…

👊 Heath
👍 Pearsonified
sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-03-22 22:11:10

*Thread Reply:* Now that is 🔥

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-16 09:33:07

*Thread Reply:* Surprised the BOXY branding goes back that far!

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-04-17 22:01:05

Another BOXY data point from a Tweet: According to the kanji, this model is the BOXY PENCIL M5-100 BX.

So by extension, the 150 yen model with the metal tip and clip would be the M5-150 BX.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-18 08:56:32

*Thread Reply:* @sideKnocks (atxalais), this is a knock pencil 😁

❓ sideKnocks (atxalais)
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-18 08:56:57

*Thread Reply:* Kelvin, have you noticed that Mitsubishi re-used the same model numbers on different pencils? It's maddening.

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-04-18 22:09:55

*Thread Reply:* Heh heh. Yesssss. Their system of using price point for the part after Mx-… probably ran out of logical space in no time.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-19 10:41:59

*Thread Reply:* So bad. There are a few M5-50s, M5-55s, M5-56s, and M5-57s 😔

First-Sail ([email protected])
2022-04-21 13:18:38

@First-Sail has joined the channel

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-22 19:31:04

Is this a M3-50? I am trying to find the model number.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 09:53:30

*Thread Reply:* Technically, this was released—at least for a little while—with pricing stickers that said MX-50

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 09:54:16

*Thread Reply:* But Mitsubishi also produced other pencils with the exact same model number—namely, the M5-50, one of their earliest drafting pencils (there's a Faber-Castell pencil that is identical to this one, but in green)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 09:58:17

*Thread Reply:* As far as your pencil is concerned, Mitsubishi also produced the MX-56 (no ring joint between grip and barrel) and the MX-57, which featured a grooved ring joint.

The MX-50 was available in at least 3 axis sizes (short, medium, full); the MX-56 came in short and full (unsure about medium); and the MX-57 came in short and medium (unsure about full).

And then if you really want to get annoyed, you have to endure the fact Mitsubishi produced the M5-55—a hybrid drafting pencil—and gave it a model number that interrupts the natural sequence of its executive lineup.

Curious about the M5-55? See red and green specimens in positions 3 and 4 of the first vertically-oriented row above the horizontal rows:

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 09:59:30

*Thread Reply:* So moral of the story is this:

I would not go on some hardcore journey trying to find Mitsubishi model numbers. They used the same model numbers over and over again, rendering them completely useless.

For example, they also released a W-knock series with the model number M5-57, which directly conflicts with their ring-jointed executives from above.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 09:59:59

*Thread Reply:* So obviously, if you were to attempt to use model numbers to refer to these pencils, you would be introducing serious confusion.

Much better—and CLEARER—to say "W-knock" than something autistically cryptic like "M5-57"

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-25 11:56:46

*Thread Reply:* Thanks for the information and advice. There is nothing wrong with being autistic.

Mitsubishi must have had a way to uniquely designate pencils internally. Maybe these did not make it out to the customer level so we may never a have a clean way to assign one designation to a pencil. The quest for model numbers and understanding how they relate to the pencils is part of the hobby for me.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:08:39

*Thread Reply:* And I'm letting you know that LOTS of collectors share this sentiment. And they have been grossly disappointed with Mitsubishi, which—like I said—did not apply a consistent model numbering scheme. Their numbers literally only refer to lead sizes, intended country of distribution, and price point. If you think through this arrangement, you are absolutely going to run into problems with duplicates

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:09:55

*Thread Reply:* Pentel has always done the best job with model numbers. Pilot is perhaps a DISTANT second, as they used different model numbers within Japan and internationally (and the Japanese model numbers are cryptic beyond belief, to the point of being almost useless)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:10:40

*Thread Reply:* "OH yeah, that's an HQ-200R-R!" ~ nobody

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:10:50

*Thread Reply:* No, fam—that's a red Pilot Quatro, ¥2000 version

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:11:34

*Thread Reply:* "Oh, I LOVE that HH-100R-B-05!" ~ nobody

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:11:54

*Thread Reply:* No, fam, THAT is an "H-1005" or "Vanishing Point"

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:12:19

*Thread Reply:* It's like anything else. Over time, the simplest reference will always win out.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-22 19:33:19

Another datapoint on the M5-100Boxy

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-24 17:01:26

Uni Flicker. Does anyone know the model number?

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-04-24 17:07:49

*Thread Reply:* That is gorgeous but I'm beginning to worry about you.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-24 17:09:26

*Thread Reply:* Won a lot of Mitsubishis amd am cataloging them. Got another one coming...

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-04-24 17:09:43

*Thread Reply:* Again, worried about you.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-24 17:12:23

*Thread Reply:* Stainless steel Boxy with olive green bits.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 10:02:49

*Thread Reply:* Another case where your desired distinction will come in some form other than model numbers:

That Uni Flicker is simply the ¥1000 variant with plastic grip section.

Uni also produced an all-aluminum ¥700 variant (no plastic grip) that has much more understated styling.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 10:03:47

*Thread Reply:* The same goes for your BOXY—that's a rare steel hybrid with color accent. It was also available with orange and black accents; unsure if any other colors were offered

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 10:04:35

*Thread Reply:* When BOXY model numbers are mentioned in catalogs, they almost always take the form:

[known model number] + BX

So something like:


Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-04-25 12:58:01

*Thread Reply:* Even this is not consistent. On the boxed set I posted about earlier the model number is shown as M5-100BOXY. For my purposes a model number is okay even if it is not completely unique. Color and other features can be used to distinguish them.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:05:34

*Thread Reply:* For manufacturers with shitty model numbering schemes (read: Mitsubishi), you're going to get a lot of weird looks if you lead with the model number instead of the colloquial name or obvious identifying feature(s)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-25 14:07:09

*Thread Reply:* M5-1052? ok, everybody knows that one, and as far as I know, Mitsubishi hasn't doubled up on that reference. Same goes for the MX-552 and MX-351.

But those are distinctly drafting pencils.

The second you step outside of drafting pencils, Mitsubishi's model numbering system goes all to hell.

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-04-26 07:42:37

*Thread Reply:* uni 5-1060 Flicker

❤️ Knocktype11
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-26 09:20:51

*Thread Reply:* Very nice! Uni5-1060. I wonder what that makes the ¥700 variant—maybe Uni5-760?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-26 09:21:13

*Thread Reply:* I have all those Flickers except the green one. I also have the BOXY variants with their cool silkscreen color scheme

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-04-26 18:14:37

*Thread Reply:* Uni 5-760 is correct. Good guess.

👍 Pearsonified
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-27 09:38:23

*Thread Reply:* I wonder what the 6 means in this context. Area of release? (Japan vs. international)

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-04-27 10:15:04

*Thread Reply:* 60 could be the development code for the Flicker mechanism?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-27 10:18:25

*Thread Reply:* I'm kinda leaning toward that

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-27 10:18:56

*Thread Reply:* MX-351 and MX-552; with 5 in the second digit, perhaps that refers to drafting pencils

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-27 10:19:00

*Thread Reply:* same goes for MX-1052

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-04-27 10:19:38

*Thread Reply:* But then you have the M5-55, M5-56, and M5-57, and you're like 🤷‍♀️:skintone5:

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-05-09 10:00:50

Here's a black M5-55 (other colors are burgundy-ish and hunter green)

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-05-09 10:07:26

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-06-21 10:20:56

Completely badass:

First-Sail ([email protected])
2022-06-21 11:07:13

The price is fine, I've seen it more than double.

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-06-21 19:42:26

The design is almost identical to the 3- or 5- pencil set COLOR SHARP…

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-06-22 10:37:38

*Thread Reply:* I think it is identical. There are also black 0.3 and 0.5 versions that were sold as normal graphite pencils

Kelvin Pang (drifand) ([email protected])
2022-07-14 09:42:30

Going… going…

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-07-19 11:29:15

Rare Mitsubishi double knock in gorgeous red:

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-07-19 12:32:55

*Thread Reply:* Are you bidding on this one?

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-07-19 13:51:33

*Thread Reply:* No, I already have this in red, yellow, and black

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-07-22 19:57:13

Boy this is one beat up pecker…|

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-07-22 22:10:39

*Thread Reply:* Ouch! How often do you all end up with pencils so worn from auctions?

2022-07-23 08:02:49

*Thread Reply:* BKF won’t be helping that poor thing.

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-07-23 17:15:19

*Thread Reply:* True. I will sometimes buy a pencil which is a total dog if it is rare, cheap, and I don't have one. It takes some real thought if any of these is not true (evaluated left to right).

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-07-23 15:27:37

*Thread Reply:* I don't have a blue one. 🤔

sideKnocks (atxalais) ([email protected])
2022-07-23 15:28:21

*Thread Reply:* You know how many Kerry's I can buy for $100? 😂

2022-08-09 12:55:37

Finally pulled the trigger and got this beauty.

👍 Pearsonified
❤️ Kelvin Pang (drifand)
Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-08-09 13:44:24

*Thread Reply:* Looks like a best-of-breed specimen. Well done!

Knocktype11 ([email protected])
2022-08-09 15:48:22

*Thread Reply:* This is really nice. There are a few of these on yahoo auctions right now.

Pearsonified ([email protected])
2022-08-09 16:15:36

Somehow, this kind of thing still happens. Only way to get it is through a proxy buyer in Japan who can get Japan-only items, tho.